Why Am I Doing This?!

I haven't gotten to do much volunteering (or traveling!) since I moved to California in 2002 to get Woodward West off the ground—and I miss both! I've been looking around for a "major" volunteer project for a few years but never really knew how I'd have the opportunity to go somewhere for a few weeks with all of my responsibilities at Woodward, but I bookmarked sites and kept the idea on my radar.

I resigned from Woodward West in November and my last day was February 29. I knew there would be a window of opportunity before I began the next chapter soooooo ... ta da! I went for it!

Why do I want to do this? I wish I had an inspirational response that evoked tears ... I just know that I get a lot of satisfaction from helping others (I bet you do, too!) and while I had lots of opportunities to do that while working at Woodward West, those were really in the context of Woodward West, ya know? I want to give back from me. So ... no earth-shattering reason besides I just want to. :-)

Summer 2011 was my last at Woodward West. I presented my 100th Staff Orientation so it was clearly time to go! ha ha!


  1. Your awesome Debbie! You will be missed! :)

  2. well deb, you did it! i am very proud to know you and also glad we had a chance to share a glass (or two) together before you left! As I was in Denver the last week of April and in the throws of prep before that, it was an eye blinking moment when I first read your email about this adventure.... although i am able to relate to the no running water thing sine i lived that life for many years, i cannot fathom the backdrop of which you share without it bringing tears into my eyes and heart.
    Two other things to bring on a trip anywhere like this would be, coloidal silver for ailments and black walnut extract for worms and parasites... a bit late now I know, alas I am sure this wont be your last helping adventure... take care my friend, peace- klew
