Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Feeding Center is So Fun :-)

Daniel works every meal in exchange for food. Super fun, a hard worker, and likes to practice English with me.
On Friday, I had my phone camera out and we had a lot of fun with it before I made one of the seasoned volunteers nervous that someone might pick it off me. People loved seeing their photo and laughed a lot at themselves.
Daniel has a lot of natural leadership skills ... he gets men seated quickly, doesn't put up with any hassles or people who cut in line, gets those who are finished up and out quickly ... all very compassionately and with a smile. 

The men think it's funny when I try to speak Ahmaric to them, so of course I thank every single one of them (AH-MA-SAHG-a-nalo) and wish them a nice day (mal-KAH-kan). Many appreciate speaking English to practice. Many mention "Obama"; only one woman (here at the center) said she was mad at the U.S. and sorta took it out on me. Oh well. I said "Lo siento" in my nervousness before I realized I was in the wrong country for that apology. :)  
Eyob serving soup.

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