Sunday, May 13, 2012

Random Sightings

This is the scene in the middle of Asko in the mornings when Robin and I need to catch transportation into Addis Ababa to work at the feeding center. I figured out this week that bus #19 goes all the way to the city for 6¢, compared to the private taxi for $11.37, which understand is absurd for us to pay but Robin set the precedent before my arrival. Whites/Westerners absolutely do pay more than Ethiopians, but we're overpaying and will remedy; we're the only whites we've ever seen in Asko and it's not "safe" for us for people to think we throw money around or are "rich" and it really doesn't help the overall economic or tourism situation when as tourists (and whites) we overpay. 

We were walking in Addis Ababa and I just lifted my camera over my head to take a random snap of a typical street scene.

Ambulance (like it says ;).

So I've been calling these "goats" for two weeks (I can't believe my uncle didn't call me out) but they're sheep ... they still look like our goats to me but now that I've SEEN goats, I see that they're different. Anyway, herds of sheep walk the streets all day ... they're for sale. People pick one, tie a string around its leg or tie it up or load it on a cart and take it home to slaughter and eat. I've seen a few pretty rough images that I haven't taken snaps of ... it bothers me. I've had to look away and just keep reminding myself that it's food ... God knows what happens in U.S. slaughter houses, this just happens to be in public.
Goats. For sure. :)
Happened to be walking by this man in Addis when he found a dead rat and was teasing other homeless people in that area by swinging it around. He was happy to hold it for a photo. 

Homeless. There wasn't anyone around when I grabbed this snap, but these are common in Addis Ababa.

This man was begging from me as I got into a mini bus (public transportation), but according to Jon Burns (Ethiopian Skateboard Park Project), who commented on my Facebook page when I posted this: "This wonderful man is a priest. Abba means priest. He has studied all his life and ... he has a great look of love in his eyes. The Ethiopian Orthodox church is the longest unbroken Christian society in the world."

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