Friday, May 4, 2012

Where I'm Staying

For the duration of my stay in Ethiopia, I'll be staying at the Mercy Ministry Happy Children Home. They have two rooms upstairs, one for men and one for women; unfortunately for the home, the economy has put a big hole in their volunteer pool; fortunately for me, I have my own room. There is one other volunteer here: a 54-year-old woman from Australia who has been here since April 1 by herself. As she's pretty settled into the larger room (with three bunk beds) and its own bathroom, I figured I wouldn't disturb her.

Mercy Ministry Happy Children Home:

My room:

View from bedroom window:

Bathroom in volunteer quarters at Mercy Ministry Happy Children's Home. No running water, therefore sink, toilet, and shower don't actually work. :-) More on that to come.

Beza cooking the kids' lunch in the house kitchen. Notice the Quaker Oats on the counter! YAY! (Yes, oatmeal is exciting. BONUS: I had some raisins from my flight to add to it. :-)

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