Friday, May 11, 2012

Skateboards: Closer!

On Wednesday, I finally hooked up via phone with Tom Noonan from the Ethiopian Skateboard Park Project. Tom (and Jon Burns) are from Australia and just have a passion for both Ethiopia and skateboarding so combined the two to bring the sport to these kids. Their long-term goal is to create a center that includes and educational facility and a skatepark. Dawit Legesse, a native Ethiopian, is also involved and drove with Tom out to Asko to the Mercy Ministry Home to collect the boards, a huge belp; I have absolutely no idea how they found the place as there are no street signs or house numbers. 

Knowing that the guys were coming on Thursday, I pulled out 10 completes for the group in Kenya from the booty that Tim Ward collected from his program Skateboard After School.

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